Just to tell you all of you that were in Islandclan before, please join if you are not one of the cats I have salvaged. If you are an admin, you can add yourself. If your not, you can if you want, just give me your email so I can send you an ivite. Thanks!

Join here!

"Greetings. My dawn patrol told me you were here. This is Islandclan territory, and I expect you to run along." you reply "You want to join? Good, Islandclan always needs strong Warriors as yourself. Tell me young one, What is your name....?''

[Shadowflower here. I just have a few rules for joining, so I hope you don't mind.
Name: PLEASE don't steal someone else's name. I'm not going to sue you or anything, but I prefer you to be able to use your own imagination. Please don't join under a retarded name either, such as Puddingface or Flopstep or Hellfire etc.

Rank: Only join as Deputy/ Medicine Cat if it is not taken. I'm NOT un-deputy-ing my own Deputy for you. You also can't be Leader.. *cough*

Description/personality: This is a exaggerated sample description that would drive me insane and I advise you to not try to do any of it; 

Shinepelt is a silver pelted she-cat with purple dapples and jewel-blue eyes that hypnotize everyone. She is the most beautiful cat in the Clan and all the toms are in love with her. She has a crush on The Deputy, the Head Warrior, and the Leader and 6 other toms. She is the best fighter and hunter and tracker and smartest cat in the forest. Everyone looks up to her. She secretly can shoot lazer-beams from her eyes and never told anyone but the nine toms she is in love with.

Picture: If you need me to, I'll find a picture for you :)

Have fun!