Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here for a clan meeting!

Sorry this post is looooooong overdue!

"There are three new cats who want to join Islandclan! Spider, Sweet, Lakey, do you promise to obey your mentor and protect your clan even at the cost of your life?"

"We do!" They all say in chorus,

"Then I will mentor Spider. Mosspebble, you will mentor Sweet, and Jetstream will mentor Lakey. From this day until your warrior ceremony you will be known as Spiderpaw, Sweetpaw, and Lakepaw."


To Spiritstorm and Silverleaf

To Spiritstorm: Spiderflight isn't getting back to me about the prophecy, so you may be in it instead. =)

To Silverleaf and Spiritstorm: Please help me come up with prophecys including the names;

Comment your ideas below please!! Thanks!

Contest Winners!

And the Winner is..................

Spiderstar won the caption contest with,
'Keep on ridin' boyz! We'll catch that cheeseburger soon!'
And Silverleaf won the 'Name the Cat' contest with......

Congradulations winners! I am also adding a cat that I play to the Prophecy called Rainingpaw.

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here for a clan meeting!

''While Silverleaf was hunting she found a young rouge named Rainy who's mother was taken by a badger. Silverleaf talked to her about Islandclan and now she wants to join.'

'Rainy you are the right age to be an apprentice. Silverleaf, you know her, so you will mentor her. Rainy, do you promise to protect your clan and obey your mentor?''

*Silverleaf smiles down at Rainy and whispers, 'Say ''I do." '*

''I, I do!''

"Then from this day until your Warrior Ceremony you will be known as Rainingpaw.''


Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here for a clan meeting!

Shinepaw, Stonepaw, Lilypaw, Spiritpaw, Cherrypaw, Sweetpaw, Adderpaw, and Bluepaw,  have all passed all of their assessments and are now ready to be Warriors!

''Shinepaw, Stonepaw, Lilypaw, Spiritpaw, Cherrypaw, Sweetpaw, Adderpaw, and Bluepaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and defend and protect your clan even at the cost of your life?''

"We do!!!" they say in chorus.

''Then you will now be known as Shineheart, Stonepelt, Lilysky, Spiritstorm, Cherrynose, Sweetfur, Adderblaze, and Blueflower. ''

*The clan greets the new Warriors warmly*