Unexpected Visitors Part II - Hollypaw's Betayal Part II

Here's a little Flashback of what happened last:
Lionheart narrowed his eyes. "It's Lionheart," he growled, just as a ray of light caught his golden pelt, proving he was indeed Lionheart, "and I'm afraid Shadowstar isn't here right now.
He was careful to give nothing more away. He lifted his head. "Come any further without a reason, and you'll find me as your opponent in battle," he warned.
 Shadestar smiled her poison-like smile and mewed dramatically, stepping one one small pawlength forward.
"Oh, I'm sure you hurt an innocent, defenceless she-cat like me would you..?'
Then she yawned and leaned to one side, and mewed, 'Anyway, about business; Since my dear sister isn't home right now I'll have you take a message."
Lionheart growled, but let her continue.
"Tell Shadowstar this is her last chance, and to tell her to meet me at the Stepping Stones. She'll know what I mean."
Before Lionheart could reply, Shadestar had disappeared.
There was no moon this night, and a unsettling cloudy mist had arisen from some dark hovel to stir the minds of small kits, send a shiver down the bravest of Warrior's spine, and set an unwanted sense of  evil throughout the territory of the Island cats. Darkness engulfed the night like some beast come to swallow the whole Clan.
Hollypaw looked over her shoulder for the seventh time as she cantered through IslandClan Territory.
She cursed angrily at herself. No one could have followed you, dimwit. No one saw you exiting the Camp, not even the mouse-brained guards, she thought.
The Waterfall pool. That's Where I'm to meet up with-

An overhead-owl's eerie screech disrupted Hollypaw's chain of thought. She shivered.
  Her young mind was a dark, complicated one at the present, for Whispernight had filled it with corrupt thoughts and shadowy aspirations.

She was a spy. A traitor. A turnpelt. An apostate.

And it gave her such a sweet sample of power even her conscience failed to remedy the evil that had grown in her heart like a poisonous weed.
The Apprentice sprinted over underbrush and throughbushes and across creeks as swiftly as a deer.
Time was of the essence. There were too few hours before sunrise, and she had a message that must be delivered.

At last! The Waterfall Pool. And there's Streamcloud, waiting for me so she can carry on the message to Shadestar.

It was an unsettling night over IslandClan indeed.