Hollypaw's Betayal (part one)

'Hollypaw?' A voice asked softly.
'I'm here Whispernight.' Hollypaw answered.

'Ahhh good. What do you have for us today hmm?'

'Not much.'

Whispernight began to growl, so Hollypaw hastily continued, 'Umm, I have a little...' She stopped to think.
'Oh! Bramblefire was murdered!'

'I know that, half-wit! It was our Deputy who murdered him!'

'Oh. Well... Um.. There's a badger on our territory!'

Whispernight dipped his head, 'Go on.....'

'Well,' The young apprentice continued, 'There is a badger on our territory, and Amberfrost was trying to drive it off when it attacked Smokeblossom, but she got really hurt. She's better now though. Can't say the same for the badger, it's lucky if it will survive.'

Whispernight's eyes widened, 'She must be a skilled fighter to best a badger.'

'Yes. She's one of the best in the Clan.'

TangleClan's Medicine Cat smiled, 'Nothing Otterpad can't take care of. You can go now, you've done well.' As Hollypaw turned to leave, Whispernight mewed, 'Unless there's something else you can tell me!'

'No, not really!' Hollypaw mewed as she darted off. 'Aspenstar and Shadowstar have allied though. We might need some help fighting them in the upcoming battle!' And Hollypaw disappeared from sight.

Whispernight chuckled. 'Such a good, young apprentice for our ranks..... Yes......'

To be Continued.....

Reluctant Assasin (part two)

Bramblefire was padding along, hunting, when he smelled TangleClan. It could be scent drifting from the border but... He jumped and stared at Otterpad, who was ready to pounce on Mudpaw! I have to do something! So he leaped at Otterpad, throwing her off balance. Then he was raking his claws across her flank when she whipped to the left and tried to run away. But Bramblefire lunged at her. Seeing this fierce Islandclan warrior was so intent on slaying her, Otterpad twisted out of Bramblefire's grip. She rolled ontop of him and stationed her jaws at his throat. Bramblefire braced himself for the killing bite when he heard the slender TangleClan warrior mewing,

'Stop trying to kill me and I'll let you live.'

'Okay....' Bramblefire mewed trying to sound intimidated.
But as Otterpad tried to run he lunged ontop of her again and before he was going to sink his jaws into her neck he mewed,

'No TangleClan cats EVER gets away with trying to slay Islandclan cats.'

But just then, a muscular black form threw itself at Bramblefire, knocking him off Otterpad.

'Darkenedheart...' Otterpad whispered, half scared and half relieved.

'And no IslandClan kittypet ever tries to slay TangleClan cats and gets away with it.' Darkenedheart mewed mockingly as he sunk his jaws into Bramblefire's neck.
The young brown warrior went limp.

Otterpad gasped. 'You-you killed him.'

Darkenedheart almost looked sympathetic, but then he hardened.
'He was about to kill you! What was I supposed to do then eh?! Well anyway, you failed your task. Mudpaw is long gone.' And with that the two TangleClan cats crept away lithely.


Really. I really can't believe you.
Harassment, idiotic messages, inappropriate comments....

You join IslandClan acting all innocent but then you leave disgusting comments like the ones on the MATES PAGE. Then, when Cherrynose becomes Lionheart's mate, you try to intercept like this comment you left on the Mates Page:

Wait please lionheart, I must stop you. She pauses. Lionheart and me where meant to be i had a dream saying lionheart and me has to be mates for life.
From Harespring.

Then, when I BANISH you from IslandClan, you go on FallenClan's mate page to harass me. Like in these comments;

Hello Coralstone! Cloudkit says. I...I....I...oh im sorry...I looooove you so much and i cant ask if we can be mates but can we??????? I know i am really tyoung and i am a kit but i could lick your tougne foever and ever and ever until i die.
Coralstone makes sound of love and grunting sounding oh...oh...oh. Coral stone say I love you as well Cloud kit and they kiss foever ever and ever and ever. I....I.........Coralstone says I want to......can we make out i want kits oohh yehhhh

I am gona write another until they marry and is that okay shadowflower?????? your blog is really good i read it i like zelda

My mummy teached my how to write on here. Cloudkit is say YES i want to and he lyes on his bead and take of his clothing oh wait he doesnt have clothing do cats wear clothing????????? Cloudkit puts his tail between coralstones legs and coralstone put leg between clouds leg and together they have s........my mummy told me not use that word so no thanks dont be mean.

Cloudkit go oohh uuuuuhhhh oh oh............yehhhhh o o ooooo i want more catty babie coral stone kiss cloud kit and share tonges then coral stone moves so foxy and seczy.mummy told me not to remember. Coralstone move soOOOOOOOOOOO secxzy ly down to Cloudkit privasee dooble and sux it

coralstone has babies and she lies down and goes AAAAAAAAH HELP ME AAAAAAAA PUSH PUSHPUSH and baby come out go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa WAAAAAAAAAAA. Cloud KIT say oooh you lovely crecture and makes out with coral stone more then the baby goes to coral styone and sux milky and cloud kit yells and kills kitty baby.

My reply comment:

I bet you haven't even read the Warrior Books! If you did you would have wayyyyy more respect for them. I can't believe your playing my cat. I PLAY CORALSTONE. No, no, no it is NOT okay for you to write this un-warrior-like story incorporating Coralstone.
I mean how old are you, six????? You are acting horribly immature and idiotic! You CAN'T play OTHER PEOPLE'S CATS!!! I really can't believe you.
I banished you from IslandClan for a reason, so you would stop harassing Lionheart. Now you are harassing ME. You always want your cats to mate the Deputy! Haven't you read the mating rules???? From your behavior it would be anyone's guess that you could be a five-year-old or a STALKER!!


So, I am going to put Comment Moderation on so I'll never have to see one of your disgusting comments again.

Goodbye and Good Riddance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reluctant Assasin

Otterpad was deep in thought as she waited outside the IslandClan camp. She could see the edge of the island, and Mudpaw coming in the far distance.

I'll wait until Mudpaw comes out to fetch the tansy Goldenbranch wanted and then..... Ugh. How did I get tangled into this bloody occupation?

Otterpad was holding back tears. All I wanted was a little power... a little land for myself.... This is was I get for my greed. The only cat I ever want to slay is Shadestar.

The brown she-cat shivered vigourously at the name of her dominator. Mudpaw was padding happily up ahead. Otterpad looked at Mudpaw, and then the woods. Freedom. I could run. But then she shook the thought off. Darkenedheart would find me. He could track and eagle one thousand fox-lengths away.
From her hiding place, she looked at Mudpaw, then at the green woods.
Otterpad had a choice to make.

(Thrilling, eh? If you want, members, you can roleplay on this post and intercept Otterpad....)

Shadowstar's Dream

I have decided to include my most active members in a prophecy. Cherrynose will be the main prophecy cat, but others will be included ;).


Shadowstar woke from her deep sleep with a jolt. 'Who's there?'


The young Leader jolted around to the voice. A wispy, slender black she-cat stood in front of her.


'Islandstar? Is it really y-'

'-Shadowstar I have a message for you. Time is of the essence.'

Shadowstar widened her eyes and then dipped her head to gesture for the first Leader of IslandClan to continue.

'When I speak now I speak for all of your ancestors. Shadowstar,

Your path will be Tangled
Death will visit your Clan
Only the power of the Lion,
The wit of it's Lioness,
And the strength of the Amber One
Will save IslandClan from
The web of the Shade.'

Islandstar started to slowly fade after she recited the her message much to Shadowstar's frusteration.
Death? Lions? Webs? What does it all mean? What will happen to my Clan?

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here for a clan meeting!

'Today StarClan has blesses us with many strong, young new members! Feather, Crystal, Holly, Cindy, and Petal, will you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and defend your clan even at the cost of your life?'

'We do!' they recited in chorus.

'Then from this day on you shall be known as Featherpaw, Crystalpaw, Hollypaw, Cinderpaw, and Lilypetal.'

shadowstar paused and then faced her Warriors,

'Amberfrost, you will mentor Featherpaw. Crystalpaw, your mentor shall be Cherrynose. Lionheart, my Deputy, you shall mentor Cinderpaw. My daughter Poppyheart will mentor Hollypaw. I trust that these, my most experienced Warriors, will pass on everything they know to these young apprentices. Lilypetal, you have shown an interest in helping the Medicine Cats, you will be known as IslandClan's first Medicine Cat helper.'

"Clan dismissed!''