Gathering Tonight

Gathering tonight! Go click on the link in the sidebar!

Camp Clearing

This is the Camp Clearing. This is where everything happens!
It's the center of the camp, and all the dens are around it.

NEW cats!!

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here for a clan meeting!!!
A Patrol today met up with some loners and rouges and an abandoned kit who want to join Islandclan.

'Bird, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and protect your clan even at the cost of your life?'

'I do!'

'Then from this day you shall be known as Birdpaw. You have shown talent in herbs, so you shall be Leafpool's apprentice.'

'Stone, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend your clan even at the cost of your life?'

He mews 'I do.' a little shakily

'Then from this day on you shall be know as Stonepaw. Rowanclaw will mentor you.'

'A lost kit was found today, she is past suckling age but Mapleleaf has agreed to take care of her as her foster mother. She is now Cherrykit!'

'Stonepaw Birdpaw Cherrykit! Stonepaw Birdpaw Cherrykit!'


Hello everyone so I made another blog, so now I have to delete another one. Which one??

The Crystal Pool

Give Away on Treble Clef

Theres a Give Away on Treble Clef! Most of you clanmates don't know what that is, but I have a button for it on the sidebar, and I highly recommend it! Go here to enter!


Hi everyone I'm just here to warn you and this is not a regular post.  In my cousins clan, Jadeclan, there was a person playing some hedgehogs and a charactor named Tigerfrost.

I don't know what they/he/she was doing, and I apoligise Tigerfrost if this is all a misunderstanding, but just so you know, watch out for charactors in the cbox named Silver, Shadow, and Tigerfrost. If you want to read what he/she/they wrote click on the page above. Thank you,

CONTEST results!

AND THE WINNER OF THE MARCH TWENTY-TEN ISLANDCLAN RELAY RACE IS..............................................................................................CINDERSTAR!!
CONGRATS! Here's your prize.
here is the link:

[CLOSED]RELAY RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: Read ALL the instructions!!![CLOSED]

Ok, now heres how this works......

Follow these steps to complete the relay race. Do/Anser all of the questions/steps  right and   and you win something!!!! You just have to go to alllllllll of my blogs to get the ansers. Just click on my blogger profile to go to them. Just surf the internet to complete the steps. Heres the blogs that you need to go to,

Sylvestor's Blog
Water Colour blogs
Shadowflower's Story
the Warrior Notebook

First one to complete all the steps wins. Some you won't have to go to my blogs, like some of the non-question ones.

Question: What is my cats name?

Step: Find a picture of a dolphin and comment the link

3.  Question: What are Nightclan's enemies?

4.  Question: What is the realtor's name in Blueville?

5. Step: Go find a doorknob on the internet and paste the link. And I mean a doorknob, like the ones on a door=)

6. Question:  What is Islandclans deputy?

7. Question: Where did I get Pantherclans backround?

8. Step: Find a cat that would fit the name; Snowflurry, and paste the link

9. Question: Do I have a button for the Warrior Notebook?PEOPLE! GO TO THE WARRIOR NOTEBOOK!

10. Question: What is the name of the clan leader in Shadowflower's Story?

11. Step: This is hard.....I live in Northeastern Canada. Figure out what time it is here WITHOUT looking at the post time.