Mudpaw's Discovery

Gathering herbs can be so dull.... Thought Mudpaw as she trudged along in the woodlands of The Island. It was a very drear day, muddy, rainy, grey-skied... The Medicine Cat Apprentice couldn't wait for Greenleaf, because Newleaf on IslandClan's Island was usually very, very rainy.

Hello... What's this? Mudpaw thought as a strange blueish-grey mist came rolling in around her. The mist seemed to be whispering something... Mudpaw could almost make it out when she saw a wispy, glowing figure of a cat padding towards her, from the fog. The young Medicine Cat peered into the fog, and as the figure came closer, she suddenly recognized it as -

"-Birdflower?!" Mudpaw asked excitedly. Birdflower had been Mudpaw's first mentor, who was tragically murdered by a monster.

"It is I, little one." Birdflower murmured, very close to her former Apprentice now. "IslandClan Medicine Cats have not had anywhere to meet with us for many moons now. No cat even attempted to look for a place." The former Medicine Cat mewed sadly. "I am here to guide you to our chosen place for you. Follow me." Birdflower ordered and then seemed to retreat into the fog, which started to move forward, past Mudpaw, towards the southern coast of The Island.

Mudpaw followed it hurriedly. It led her past Waterfall Pool, The Forest Clearing and beside the Stream until it dis-appeared down a moss fern-gated gap in the rock beside the stream. Mudpaw's heart beat hard when she leaped through the gap and realized it led to a nicely-sized tunnel.
As she ran after the mist through the tunnel she noticed she was most likely under the Forest Hollow, for the tunnel had doubled back in that direction.
Then the tunnel stopped abruptly into a large, beautiful, underground, moss-covered cave.
The cave was well lighted for it had many tiny gaps in the hard-packed dirt-and-grass roof where sunlight could shine through. However, mostly grey light shone though due to the nasty weather of early Newleaf.

"It must be here!" Mudpaw mewed happily. Welcome to The StarGlen.... The mist seemed to whisper. Then it evaporated before The IslandClan Apprentice's eyes. Mudpaw's heart was bursting with joy. IslandClan finally had a place to meet with their ancestors.

[Feather, it would be lovely if you continued Mudpaw's story.]


I'm reallllly considering deleting my clans.
Aw, don't get me wrong, I love them, but I fell terrible about not posting, and that no-one comes on anymore.
I feel like IslandClan is dead, and I can't revive it this time.
I'm not sure about deleting both, but WhisperClan is definitely going.

Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere now. Thanks for your comments, even though most of them were discouraging and depressing, asides from Feather's.. Thanks Feather :-)
I realized we don't have a Medicine Cat Gathering, so one's on it's way. I'm going to get IslandClan back on its feet, but its would be very helpful and encouraging if you, my members, participated more. Don't be afraid to be too outgoing; I don't even care if you start your own plot with comments! You're allowed to make you cat special, or have a dream from StarClan etc.
I need you guys' help with this!