The Stepping Stones - Part III

"I'm here, Shadestar. What did you need me for?'' Darkenedheart mewed as he arrived at Shadestar's den.
His Leader smiled her honey-and-poison smile and replied, "There are some friends of mine I would like you to meet."

Almost out of nowhere, three dark shapes, all she-cats, slithered out of the shadowed corners of Shadestar's cave.
Two were silvery grey; one with stripes and one with a dappled pelt, but the other smaller cat was black as night. With great surprise, Darkenedheart recognized the dappled silver she-cat as Streamcloud, Shadowstar's own daughter. The small dark one definitely had the scent of IslandClan, but the TangleClan Deputy could not recall ever coming across her.

Growing impatient, the striped one, the larger of the two silver she-cats spoke. "I am Featherstar, Leader of MistClan."

"And I am Streamcloud, traitor of IslandClan." The spotted silver she-cat smirked.

The small black she-cat replied in kind. "I'm Hollystorm. I'm from IslandClan too but I work for Shadestar."

Shadestar flicked her tail and continued. "You see, my dear Deputy, Hollystorm and Streamcloud are my wonderful informants. They collect information for me because they are both trusted members of IslandClan society, therefore no one would suspect them. And then they meet with Whispernight every half-moon at the stepping stones." The black and white she-cat moved one towards Featherstar.
'Featherstar here -"

The MistClan leader cut in with a warning look at Shadestar who narrowed her eyes but let Featherstar continue. "- We have an agreement. MistClan will help TangleClan get rid of IslandClan if TangleClan will help us settle our score with SunClan, our nemesis. We will rule the remains of those Clans as..' Featherstar chuckled softly to Shadestar, '..Joint Leaders."

The black and white she-cat returned a masking smile but when other Leader turned once again to Darkenedheart, it dropped from her face to be replaced by a sour, dark scowl. Shadestar flicked her tail to dismiss the her 'friends' and retreated back into the shadows of her cave-den.

"Laugh now, mighty Featherstar of MistClan,' She whispered, 'While you are still able to draw a breath. But for present matters, I think I should attend to the prisoner now."

The Story Also Continues in SunClan

The Stepping Stones - Part II

"That's erratic. Absolutely insane." The TangleClan deputy whispered hoarsely from in the small cave where he was conversing with Otterpad.
"Chase, it could work! We could slip away without anyone noticing, and maybe even free the IslandClan Leader too."

Darkenedheart sighed. "First, my name is Darkenedheart now, forget about Chase. Second, do you think that no one will notice when the TangleClan deputy and chief assassin go missing at the exact same time as the prisoner escapes?" He took a breath and then kept going, 'I know what you're thinking. You think that if we spirit Shadowstar back to her camp, she'll welcome us into her Clan with open paws. She won't." The black tom mewed forcefully. 'If you haven't forgotten, we assassinated her best warrior. We're miscreants, Otterpad, and it's too late to change. TangleClan is the only place we'll ever be accepted now. "

"No! It's never too late to change! I can't stand another moon with this bloodthirsty so-called Clan. It is never too late to do what's right." Otterpad mewed, raising her voice to a higher decibel.
Darkened heart narrowed his eyes. "If we try to leave, they'll catch us and kill us."
Otterpad snorted. "Us? We're the best fighters in the Clan!"

"Against countless numbers of TangleClan loyalists. They'll be on us like a pack of foxes. We won't survive a minute."

"I'm still going to try. I have to try."

"No. you can't."

Otterpad narrowed her eyes. "I can't?!"

"I won't let you. I can't let you get hurt." Darkenedheart mewed, his ice-blue eyes boring into his Clan-mate's.

"You can't stop me. I need to do this."

"I can't let you get hurt."

 "I can take care of myself, Chase. And why 'can't you let me'?"

"Because... I lo - " Darkenedheart was cut off by a yowl sounding from the camp.

"Where's my Deputy? Darkenedheart?! Where are you?"

"I have to go."

* * *

"We have to help her!" Mudflower shrieked as she thundered into camp, eyes wide with terror. IslandClan stirred and watched as their Medicine Cat continued yowling.
"They've taken her! We have to help! StarClan told me! They're going to kill her! At the StarGlenn!" Mudflower wailed.

Lionheart padded forward to her, trying to calm her down. He asked the question every other Clan member was pondering. 'Who?'

"Shadowstar! StarClan told me at the half-moon meeting!" Mudflower mewed miserably.

"StarClan wants to kill Shadowstar at the StarGlen??" Mosspath inquired, looking very bewildered.

"NO - you mouse-brain -,' Hissed Mudflower 'StarClan warned me that TangleClan had captured her. We have to help her."

"But what if it's a trap?' Mosspath asked, still suspicious.

"If!? They've probably been planning this all along.' Sparkleshine replied to her friend solemnly.

Snowblaze spoke her mind, 'It would be suicide to go in there. We'd be trapped like.. Like a flies in a spider's web.'

'The web.. of the shade..' Mudflower was trying to remember something. 'The prophecy!
Only the power of the Lion
and the wit of the Amber One
will save IslandClan from
the web of the Shade!"

Lionheart gave her a confused look. The Medicine Cat only continued, 'Shadowstar recieved that prophecy from StarClan!"

'But.. what does it mean?'

To be Continued...

The Stepping Stones part I

Shadowstar loathed waiting and patience was not her strong point.
But nevertheless she found herself waiting for an hour; perched on the Mainland side of the bank with owl cries ringing through her ears and the hostile scent of TangleClan cats drifting by on the
ice-cold breeze shrouded in dark, sinister mists.
Winter was coming soon, the black and white she-cat mused mentally.
Most of the birds had flown away to warmer places.
Prey has already begun hiding in their hollows.
Nights were longer, and morning skies redder.
Goldenbranch had even told her she had seen snow-clouds drifting by.
And of course there was that spine-chilling wind.
And that eerie sound like someone calling my name, Shadowstar thought to herself.
"Shadowflower.." The eerie sound whispered eerily.
A shape formed in the mist, sauntering towards her. Shadowstar held her breath.
But then had a sudden realization. She narrowed her eyes and said coldly,

"My name is Shadowstar, oh high Shadestar, as appointed to me by StarClan at StarGlen.
Speak to me, if you can, instead of all this skulking around in the fog trying fruitlessly to frighten me."

Shadestar's honey-and-poison laugh resounded from the fog and she strolled out into the moonlight towards the IslandClan leader. Her whisper was heard only by Shadowstar, despite the numberless hordes of TangleClan cats secretly hidden in the shadows.

"Ohh little sister, you don't have to prove anything to me. I'll always know you're weak until the day you die by my paw."

"If anyone dies today, it will be you, traitor." Shadowstar unsheathed her claws and took her stance.
A hawk cried overhead.
"You don't want to do that, Shadowflower." Shadestar smiled. At the flick of the TangleClan leader's tail, Shadowstar was surrounded by a horde of her sister's minions, all ready for battle.

"Forward. We're going back to the camp. Wouldn't you like that, Shadowflower? A visit to the TangleClan camp."


To be continued...

"Let All Cats Old Enough To Catch Their Own Prey Join Here For a Clan Meeting!"

 Yowled the black-and-white IslandClan leader. Four cats stood behind her with nervous looks on their faces.

"Today we shall be welcoming four new Clanmates into IslandClan; Flora, Eagle, Vixi, and Blaze - all rougues who want to join us.'
Shadowstar turned sharply to face a grey-and-orange tabby tom, 'Blaze, do you promise to uphold the Warrior code and protect your Clan even at the cost of your life?'

"I do." Blaze replied without wavering.

"Then from this day forward you shall be known as Firestorm for your pelt mottled with fire and storm. StarClan acknowledges your bravery for joining us.' Shadowstar whirled back the her Clanmates below.
'There are two young cats who are the right age for apprenticeship.'
The Leader's gaze rested on Lionheart.
'Lionheart, I know you shall be a strong mentor for Flora. Flora, from this day until your Warrior Ceremony you will be known as Flowerpaw.'

Mentor and Apprentice touched noses.

'Streamcloud, you have not yet had an apprentice. I hope you will pass everything you know to Eagle.'
Shadowstar briefly smiled at her daughter and then turned to Eagle.
'Young one, from this day until your Warrior Ceremony you will be known as Eaglepaw.'

Eaglepaw and Streamcloud did likewise as Flowerpaw and Lionheart, and Shadowstar continued, her gaze softening as she faced a small calico kit.
'Last but not least, Vixi also wishes to join. Vixi, from this day until your Apprentice Ceremony you will be known as Fox-kit. Fawnstream has her paws full at this time, but you are past the age of needing milk - so I will take care of you until you are apprenticed.
Meeting Dismissed.'

-Continue with Roleplay-

Unexpected Visitors Part II - Hollypaw's Betayal Part II

Here's a little Flashback of what happened last:
Lionheart narrowed his eyes. "It's Lionheart," he growled, just as a ray of light caught his golden pelt, proving he was indeed Lionheart, "and I'm afraid Shadowstar isn't here right now.
He was careful to give nothing more away. He lifted his head. "Come any further without a reason, and you'll find me as your opponent in battle," he warned.
 Shadestar smiled her poison-like smile and mewed dramatically, stepping one one small pawlength forward.
"Oh, I'm sure you hurt an innocent, defenceless she-cat like me would you..?'
Then she yawned and leaned to one side, and mewed, 'Anyway, about business; Since my dear sister isn't home right now I'll have you take a message."
Lionheart growled, but let her continue.
"Tell Shadowstar this is her last chance, and to tell her to meet me at the Stepping Stones. She'll know what I mean."
Before Lionheart could reply, Shadestar had disappeared.
There was no moon this night, and a unsettling cloudy mist had arisen from some dark hovel to stir the minds of small kits, send a shiver down the bravest of Warrior's spine, and set an unwanted sense of  evil throughout the territory of the Island cats. Darkness engulfed the night like some beast come to swallow the whole Clan.
Hollypaw looked over her shoulder for the seventh time as she cantered through IslandClan Territory.
She cursed angrily at herself. No one could have followed you, dimwit. No one saw you exiting the Camp, not even the mouse-brained guards, she thought.
The Waterfall pool. That's Where I'm to meet up with-

An overhead-owl's eerie screech disrupted Hollypaw's chain of thought. She shivered.
  Her young mind was a dark, complicated one at the present, for Whispernight had filled it with corrupt thoughts and shadowy aspirations.

She was a spy. A traitor. A turnpelt. An apostate.

And it gave her such a sweet sample of power even her conscience failed to remedy the evil that had grown in her heart like a poisonous weed.
The Apprentice sprinted over underbrush and throughbushes and across creeks as swiftly as a deer.
Time was of the essence. There were too few hours before sunrise, and she had a message that must be delivered.

At last! The Waterfall Pool. And there's Streamcloud, waiting for me so she can carry on the message to Shadestar.

It was an unsettling night over IslandClan indeed.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here for a clan meeting!"

Called the black-and-white IslandClan Leader. She watched from Highledge as her Clanmates began to gather. Eight cats stood behind her, and one, a shaggy black tom with an evil glint in his yellow eyes, was guarded by Ravenswoop and Amberfrost.

'Today we will welcome seven new Clanmembers into IslandClan,' She yowled and waited as a cheer from IslandClan rose up and died down, 'AND, we will also condemn a Prisoner to our Hollow Tree.'
Everyones gaze whipped around to the black tom and some even started snarling.

"Storm and Sunny, please step forward."
The young tom and she-cat did.

'You are the right age to be Apprentices. Ravenswoop, you have not yet had an Apprentice, and I know you will pass on all you know to Storm.' Shadowstar paused, then mewed, 'Blizzardfang, you also have not yet had an Apprentice. You shall mentor Sunny. I trust you shall pass all your knowledge onto this young Apprentice. Storm, you shall be known as Stormpaw. Sunny, you shall be known as Sunpaw.'

"Snow, Red, Star and Spar also want to join our Clan as Warriors." Shadowstar mewed, gesturing with her tail to the she-cats behind her. "Snow, Star, Spar, Red, do you promise to uphold to Warrior code and protect your Clan, even, if StarClan wills it, to the point of death?" She mewed and looked them all in the eye.

"We do!" They mewed in union.

"Then by the power of StarClan,you shall be known as Snowblaze, Starwind, Sparwind and Scarletflower."
The IslandClan Leader smiled as the Clan chanted their new names. then she spoke again,

''Onto less joyful tidings. Last night, this TangleClan spy was caught sneaking up behind the Nursery. We are lucky at how noisily he was stalking along, or it might have been too late.'' Shadowstar looked straight at the tom with a fierce light in her eyes.

''Scratch, for attempted theft and kidnapping of kits, for sneaking into our Camp, for trespassing on on Territory, you are sentenced to the Prisoner's Den until Newleaf when we shall happily escort you off our Territory onto uninhabited parts of the Mainland. Ravenswoop, Amberfrost, take him away.'' And as she spoke, the two Warriors escorted Scratch unceremoniously to the Hollow Tree, and then placed themselves at each end as guards.

As if nothing had happened, Shadowstar regained her cheery voice and began to speak.
''Our dawn patrol also came across this abandoned kit who wants to join. Fawnstream, will you take Dusk-kit as your own?''

Continue with Roleplay

Territory Map

It's rather ugly but I hope this helps you get your bearings.
Click for larger size.

Unexpected Visitors: Part I

"Lionheart, look after the Clan for a while. I am going to seek an allegiance with SunClan. I will be taking only Mudflower and Poppyheart."
Lionheart dipped his head respectfully as his Clan leader, Shadowstar. Shadowstar was going to travel to SunClan's territory to gain an alliengance, with her trusted daughter and medicine cat as her companions. It was up to Lionheart to look after the Clan while she was away.

He watched Shadowstar call for a Clan meeting as Mudflower walked towards the medicine cat's den. He padded after her. Remembering the time when they were Lionpaw and Mudpaw, friends that went separate paths, he stopped outside the entrance.

"Hey, Mudflower. Preparing travelling herbs?" he asked. Lionheart breathed in the rich scent of the forest. Then a second later he breathed out, relaxing his broad shoulders, just as Mudflower came out of her den with three leaf bundles, all neatly tied together.

"Lionheart! It's good to see you again," Mudflower exclaimed, rushing to meet him. "I mean..." she stammered, "I see you everyday, but it's just not the same ever since you became deputy!"
Lionheart purred, clearly not offended by her comment. Just as he was about to ask her what she'd been up to, Shadowstar called from the distance. "Mudflower, it's time to leave," meowed Shadowstar.
Mudflower gave him a look of sadness, but soon changed to excitement as the young cat raced to meet Shadowstar. "I'm on my way!" she replied.

                                        ⊙ ◎ ⊙ ◎ ⊙ ◎ ⊙

Lionheart leaped on top of Highrock. IslandClan cats were already below him, so he didn't need to try and grab their attention.

"As you know, Shadowstar left our Clan at dawn, with Mudflower and Poppyheart to seek an allegiance with SunClan. Each task will carry on as usual. Borders will be carried out." He came down Highrock, and rasied his golden head so cats could hear.

"Smokeblossom, Icefur, Rainwhisker, and Brokenclaw will be on the dawn patrol. Ravenswoop will lead this patrol."

"Amberfrost lead the hunting patrol. Take Streamcloud, Flamebreeze, Cinderflight, and two other warriors with you," he continued. "Keep a look out for dogs." With a last glance, he went to hunt by the stream.

Lionheart pricked his ears and sharpened his senses. He could hear a distant rumbling in the distance. He peered in every direction, but couldn't find the source. Lionheart soon ignored it as he spotted a rabbit.

Crouching low and carefully, so the rabbit couldn't hear him, he crawled from behind the ferns, narrowing his eyes so his focus was only on the rabbit. He bunched his muscles and...

Suddenly, the rumbling in the distance was clearer, and the rabbit sprang away from Lionheart's gaze. Lionheart hissed and turned to see what might have caused this. Then he spotted something familiar; his eyes widened and his jaws opened to let out a yowl of alarm. He faced the intruders, ears hot and his fur bristling with fury. He growled, unsheathing his claws.

"What are you doing in our territory, Shadestar?"

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here for a clan meeting!

Yowled IslandClan's Leader to her Clan as they quickly gathered at the foot of Highledge.

"As most of you know, there is a full-moon Gathering tonight. Listen carefully;
 The Cats accompanying me to The Great Rock shall be.....

Lionheart (Feather)
Goldenbranch (Jenna)
Mudflower (Feather)
Thunderstorm (Jenna)
Icefur (Pielover)
Poppyheart (Me)
Streamcloud (Me)
Ravenswoop (Me)
Hollystorm (Akire)
Cinderflight (Akire)
Amberfrost (WC)
Smokeblossom (WC)
Heatherpaw (Alina)

Enter this 'passageway'..

to go to The Gathering.
You may roleplay if you want, but please don't tell other Clans more than they should know!

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here for a clan meeting!..

..Yowled the IslandClan leader as she nimbly leaped from Highledge. It had been moons since Startail, her mate, had died and now she was completely recovered from the shock and sorrow.
Shadowstar was strong and confident again.

I must bring my Clan alive again.

She thought to herself before calling up the four soon-to-be-Warriors - and Medicine Cats - to the Highledge.

"IslandClan, today Crystalpaw, Cinderpaw, Hollypaw, Hawkpaw and Mudpaw have all successfully completed their training and will be joining the Warrior Ranks this day." Shadowstar purred.

"Cherrynose, Lionheart, Poppyheart, Goldenbranch,' began Shadowstar, 'Are you satisfied with these Apprentices training?"

"Yes." The mentors chorused.

"I am also satisfied my my training of Hawkpaw.'

' Then now they shall be known as Crystalfur, Cinderflight, Hawkwing and Hollystorm. Goldenbranch, will you step forward to name your Apprentice?"

Goldenbranch nodded and gently prodded Mudpaw forward with her to the front.

"Mudpaw, is is your wish to follow the sacred path of a Medicine Cat?" She asked gently.

"Yes." Mudpaw mewed, smiling.

"Then I, Goldenbranch, Medicine Cat of IslandClan, place on you the name of Mudflower. May StarClan bless and commend your path." Goldenbranch mewed.

As the Clan cheered for the newly ranked Clanmates, no one suspected a sinister among one of the Apprentices. A One that would affect IslandClan forever.

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here for a clan meeting!...

...Yowled Shadowstar as she nimbly lept up onto Highledge.

'Today we have many new Clanmembers.' She purred proudly. 'Ice, Silvyne, Flame, Rain, Birch, Splash, and Heather, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and protect this Clan even at the cost of your life?' The IslandClan leader asked solemnly.

"We do!!" They replied excitedly.

'Then by the power of StarClan, you shall be known as Icefur, Silverstorm, Flamebreeze, Birchfur, Rainwhisker and Ripplestream! Heather, you are the right age for an Apprentice, so you will be known as Heatherpaw. Hawkheart will be your mentor. I hope you will teach her all you know, Hawkheart.'
Shadowstar mewed to the black tom.

"Icefur, Silverstorm, Flamebreeze, Birchfur, Rainwhisker, Ripplestream, Heatherpaw!
Icefur, Silverstorm, Flamebreeze, Birchfur, Rainwhisker, Ripplestream, Heatherpaw!"
IslandClan chanted happily for their new Clanmates.

Mudpaw's Discovery

Gathering herbs can be so dull.... Thought Mudpaw as she trudged along in the woodlands of The Island. It was a very drear day, muddy, rainy, grey-skied... The Medicine Cat Apprentice couldn't wait for Greenleaf, because Newleaf on IslandClan's Island was usually very, very rainy.

Hello... What's this? Mudpaw thought as a strange blueish-grey mist came rolling in around her. The mist seemed to be whispering something... Mudpaw could almost make it out when she saw a wispy, glowing figure of a cat padding towards her, from the fog. The young Medicine Cat peered into the fog, and as the figure came closer, she suddenly recognized it as -

"-Birdflower?!" Mudpaw asked excitedly. Birdflower had been Mudpaw's first mentor, who was tragically murdered by a monster.

"It is I, little one." Birdflower murmured, very close to her former Apprentice now. "IslandClan Medicine Cats have not had anywhere to meet with us for many moons now. No cat even attempted to look for a place." The former Medicine Cat mewed sadly. "I am here to guide you to our chosen place for you. Follow me." Birdflower ordered and then seemed to retreat into the fog, which started to move forward, past Mudpaw, towards the southern coast of The Island.

Mudpaw followed it hurriedly. It led her past Waterfall Pool, The Forest Clearing and beside the Stream until it dis-appeared down a moss fern-gated gap in the rock beside the stream. Mudpaw's heart beat hard when she leaped through the gap and realized it led to a nicely-sized tunnel.
As she ran after the mist through the tunnel she noticed she was most likely under the Forest Hollow, for the tunnel had doubled back in that direction.
Then the tunnel stopped abruptly into a large, beautiful, underground, moss-covered cave.
The cave was well lighted for it had many tiny gaps in the hard-packed dirt-and-grass roof where sunlight could shine through. However, mostly grey light shone though due to the nasty weather of early Newleaf.

"It must be here!" Mudpaw mewed happily. Welcome to The StarGlen.... The mist seemed to whisper. Then it evaporated before The IslandClan Apprentice's eyes. Mudpaw's heart was bursting with joy. IslandClan finally had a place to meet with their ancestors.

[Feather, it would be lovely if you continued Mudpaw's story.]


I'm reallllly considering deleting my clans.
Aw, don't get me wrong, I love them, but I fell terrible about not posting, and that no-one comes on anymore.
I feel like IslandClan is dead, and I can't revive it this time.
I'm not sure about deleting both, but WhisperClan is definitely going.

Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere now. Thanks for your comments, even though most of them were discouraging and depressing, asides from Feather's.. Thanks Feather :-)
I realized we don't have a Medicine Cat Gathering, so one's on it's way. I'm going to get IslandClan back on its feet, but its would be very helpful and encouraging if you, my members, participated more. Don't be afraid to be too outgoing; I don't even care if you start your own plot with comments! You're allowed to make you cat special, or have a dream from StarClan etc.
I need you guys' help with this!


The winner of the trivia contest, {prize being deputyship on WhisperClan,} is........

You, Lily, were the only one who had every answer right!

The winner of the naming cat contest and of a custom made header and button for their clan or blog,{by me} is...

I really love that name, Gingerspark :)

And finally, the winner of the caption contest and featuring on The Life of a Canadian Girl Elvenpath is........

I really loved your caption :P
"What are we, a pancake stack?! AHHHH here comes a fork!!"

Congratulations ladies!


Spoiler Alert....

Ooops! Mistake! IslandClan was from RiverClan.

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here for a clan meeting!

Shadowstar strode confidently onto the Highledge, and began to speak to her Clan;

'We have new cats joining IslandClan today! Our Dawn patrol came across five rougues who want to join our ranks. Shore, Brook, Dawn, Eagle, and Hawk, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and protect your Clan even at the cost of your life?'

'We do!' They mewed confidently.

'Then you will now be known as Flowerbrook, Morningstorm, Eaglefire, and Hawkheart. Shore, you are six moons, the age of an apprentice. Tigerwhisker will be your mentor, and until your Warrior Ceremony you will be known as Shorepaw.'

The clan yowled heartily, welcoming their new clanmates.

I AM SO SORRY! And... a contest.

I haven't posted in a REALLY LONG TIME

I'm sorry guys :(
Lately I haven't had much time on the computer, due to an enourmous school project. I'm done it now though, *phew*!

So, kind of for an apology present, I'm going to hold a contest! The winners will recieve....

prizo uno: Deputyship on WHISPERCLAN since I seem to be down a deputy...
prizo dos: A custom-made header and button for your Clan! Made by me!
prizo tres: Featuring on The Life of a Canadian Girl!

How to win? Answer some Islandclan Trivia, name the cat, and caption the picture! A basic Shadowflower contest :)

IslandClan Trivia:

1) Who was leader when Shadowstar was young?
2) What was Shadestar's warrior name? (hint: you might have to look around on WhisperClan for this one!)
3) How many listed rules for apprentices does IslandClan have?
4)  Who are the cats spoken of in the prophecy?
5)  How many kits did Mapleleaf have?
6) Who made IslandClan's header?

Give this kitty a creative, WARRIOR CATS name!

Caption the kitty-stack!

New feature!

I was chattin' with my good friend Speed when I had an awesome idea! Why not let my IslandClan members have TangleClan members also so they can role-play as TangleClanners?

Good idea eh? Just fill out this form to add cats to TangleClan:

Description and personality:

Remember, not all TangleClan cats are purely evil, but many are sly and a little bit greedy. Lots of them are nice deep down though

So.... Join away!! Just remember, I play Shadestar, Whispernight, Darkenedheart and Otterpad.

Hollypaw's Betayal (part one)

'Hollypaw?' A voice asked softly.
'I'm here Whispernight.' Hollypaw answered.

'Ahhh good. What do you have for us today hmm?'

'Not much.'

Whispernight began to growl, so Hollypaw hastily continued, 'Umm, I have a little...' She stopped to think.
'Oh! Bramblefire was murdered!'

'I know that, half-wit! It was our Deputy who murdered him!'

'Oh. Well... Um.. There's a badger on our territory!'

Whispernight dipped his head, 'Go on.....'

'Well,' The young apprentice continued, 'There is a badger on our territory, and Amberfrost was trying to drive it off when it attacked Smokeblossom, but she got really hurt. She's better now though. Can't say the same for the badger, it's lucky if it will survive.'

Whispernight's eyes widened, 'She must be a skilled fighter to best a badger.'

'Yes. She's one of the best in the Clan.'

TangleClan's Medicine Cat smiled, 'Nothing Otterpad can't take care of. You can go now, you've done well.' As Hollypaw turned to leave, Whispernight mewed, 'Unless there's something else you can tell me!'

'No, not really!' Hollypaw mewed as she darted off. 'Aspenstar and Shadowstar have allied though. We might need some help fighting them in the upcoming battle!' And Hollypaw disappeared from sight.

Whispernight chuckled. 'Such a good, young apprentice for our ranks..... Yes......'

To be Continued.....

Reluctant Assasin (part two)

Bramblefire was padding along, hunting, when he smelled TangleClan. It could be scent drifting from the border but... He jumped and stared at Otterpad, who was ready to pounce on Mudpaw! I have to do something! So he leaped at Otterpad, throwing her off balance. Then he was raking his claws across her flank when she whipped to the left and tried to run away. But Bramblefire lunged at her. Seeing this fierce Islandclan warrior was so intent on slaying her, Otterpad twisted out of Bramblefire's grip. She rolled ontop of him and stationed her jaws at his throat. Bramblefire braced himself for the killing bite when he heard the slender TangleClan warrior mewing,

'Stop trying to kill me and I'll let you live.'

'Okay....' Bramblefire mewed trying to sound intimidated.
But as Otterpad tried to run he lunged ontop of her again and before he was going to sink his jaws into her neck he mewed,

'No TangleClan cats EVER gets away with trying to slay Islandclan cats.'

But just then, a muscular black form threw itself at Bramblefire, knocking him off Otterpad.

'Darkenedheart...' Otterpad whispered, half scared and half relieved.

'And no IslandClan kittypet ever tries to slay TangleClan cats and gets away with it.' Darkenedheart mewed mockingly as he sunk his jaws into Bramblefire's neck.
The young brown warrior went limp.

Otterpad gasped. 'You-you killed him.'

Darkenedheart almost looked sympathetic, but then he hardened.
'He was about to kill you! What was I supposed to do then eh?! Well anyway, you failed your task. Mudpaw is long gone.' And with that the two TangleClan cats crept away lithely.


Really. I really can't believe you.
Harassment, idiotic messages, inappropriate comments....

You join IslandClan acting all innocent but then you leave disgusting comments like the ones on the MATES PAGE. Then, when Cherrynose becomes Lionheart's mate, you try to intercept like this comment you left on the Mates Page:

Wait please lionheart, I must stop you. She pauses. Lionheart and me where meant to be i had a dream saying lionheart and me has to be mates for life.
From Harespring.

Then, when I BANISH you from IslandClan, you go on FallenClan's mate page to harass me. Like in these comments;

Hello Coralstone! Cloudkit says. I...I....I...oh im sorry...I looooove you so much and i cant ask if we can be mates but can we??????? I know i am really tyoung and i am a kit but i could lick your tougne foever and ever and ever until i die.
Coralstone makes sound of love and grunting sounding oh...oh...oh. Coral stone say I love you as well Cloud kit and they kiss foever ever and ever and ever. I....I.........Coralstone says I want to......can we make out i want kits oohh yehhhh

I am gona write another until they marry and is that okay shadowflower?????? your blog is really good i read it i like zelda

My mummy teached my how to write on here. Cloudkit is say YES i want to and he lyes on his bead and take of his clothing oh wait he doesnt have clothing do cats wear clothing????????? Cloudkit puts his tail between coralstones legs and coralstone put leg between clouds leg and together they have mummy told me not use that word so no thanks dont be mean.

Cloudkit go oohh uuuuuhhhh oh oh............yehhhhh o o ooooo i want more catty babie coral stone kiss cloud kit and share tonges then coral stone moves so foxy and seczy.mummy told me not to remember. Coralstone move soOOOOOOOOOOO secxzy ly down to Cloudkit privasee dooble and sux it

coralstone has babies and she lies down and goes AAAAAAAAH HELP ME AAAAAAAA PUSH PUSHPUSH and baby come out go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa WAAAAAAAAAAA. Cloud KIT say oooh you lovely crecture and makes out with coral stone more then the baby goes to coral styone and sux milky and cloud kit yells and kills kitty baby.

My reply comment:

I bet you haven't even read the Warrior Books! If you did you would have wayyyyy more respect for them. I can't believe your playing my cat. I PLAY CORALSTONE. No, no, no it is NOT okay for you to write this un-warrior-like story incorporating Coralstone.
I mean how old are you, six????? You are acting horribly immature and idiotic! You CAN'T play OTHER PEOPLE'S CATS!!! I really can't believe you.
I banished you from IslandClan for a reason, so you would stop harassing Lionheart. Now you are harassing ME. You always want your cats to mate the Deputy! Haven't you read the mating rules???? From your behavior it would be anyone's guess that you could be a five-year-old or a STALKER!!


So, I am going to put Comment Moderation on so I'll never have to see one of your disgusting comments again.

Goodbye and Good Riddance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reluctant Assasin

Otterpad was deep in thought as she waited outside the IslandClan camp. She could see the edge of the island, and Mudpaw coming in the far distance.

I'll wait until Mudpaw comes out to fetch the tansy Goldenbranch wanted and then..... Ugh. How did I get tangled into this bloody occupation?

Otterpad was holding back tears. All I wanted was a little power... a little land for myself.... This is was I get for my greed. The only cat I ever want to slay is Shadestar.

The brown she-cat shivered vigourously at the name of her dominator. Mudpaw was padding happily up ahead. Otterpad looked at Mudpaw, and then the woods. Freedom. I could run. But then she shook the thought off. Darkenedheart would find me. He could track and eagle one thousand fox-lengths away.
From her hiding place, she looked at Mudpaw, then at the green woods.
Otterpad had a choice to make.

(Thrilling, eh? If you want, members, you can roleplay on this post and intercept Otterpad....)

Shadowstar's Dream

I have decided to include my most active members in a prophecy. Cherrynose will be the main prophecy cat, but others will be included ;).


Shadowstar woke from her deep sleep with a jolt. 'Who's there?'


The young Leader jolted around to the voice. A wispy, slender black she-cat stood in front of her.


'Islandstar? Is it really y-'

'-Shadowstar I have a message for you. Time is of the essence.'

Shadowstar widened her eyes and then dipped her head to gesture for the first Leader of IslandClan to continue.

'When I speak now I speak for all of your ancestors. Shadowstar,

Your path will be Tangled
Death will visit your Clan
Only the power of the Lion,
The wit of it's Lioness,
And the strength of the Amber One
Will save IslandClan from
The web of the Shade.'

Islandstar started to slowly fade after she recited the her message much to Shadowstar's frusteration.
Death? Lions? Webs? What does it all mean? What will happen to my Clan?

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here for a clan meeting!

'Today StarClan has blesses us with many strong, young new members! Feather, Crystal, Holly, Cindy, and Petal, will you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and defend your clan even at the cost of your life?'

'We do!' they recited in chorus.

'Then from this day on you shall be known as Featherpaw, Crystalpaw, Hollypaw, Cinderpaw, and Lilypetal.'

shadowstar paused and then faced her Warriors,

'Amberfrost, you will mentor Featherpaw. Crystalpaw, your mentor shall be Cherrynose. Lionheart, my Deputy, you shall mentor Cinderpaw. My daughter Poppyheart will mentor Hollypaw. I trust that these, my most experienced Warriors, will pass on everything they know to these young apprentices. Lilypetal, you have shown an interest in helping the Medicine Cats, you will be known as IslandClan's first Medicine Cat helper.'

"Clan dismissed!''