I regret to say this is the end!

For your convenience I shall stop quoting Bilbo Baggins and get right to the heart of the matter.

IslandClan is dead. I know its because I haven't posted.
I have been crazily busy with school. (not just an excuse, I'm serious. I'm homeschooled so I have to organize everything and get done all by myself.)
I'm done.
I apologize, this really has been a lovely experience for me and a chance to improve my writing, but I'm just swamped. And I've lost the obsession in Warrior Cats that drove me to crank out posts every so often.

I really don't want to lose touch with you all, so I will continue to role-play in your Clans and I hope you'll stop by my personal blog and perhaps follow my life.

[EDIT FROM 2015: i'm at her-lists.blogspot.com now]

Thank you, and goodbye!