"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here for a clan meeting!"

Called the black-and-white IslandClan Leader. She watched from Highledge as her Clanmates began to gather. Eight cats stood behind her, and one, a shaggy black tom with an evil glint in his yellow eyes, was guarded by Ravenswoop and Amberfrost.

'Today we will welcome seven new Clanmembers into IslandClan,' She yowled and waited as a cheer from IslandClan rose up and died down, 'AND, we will also condemn a Prisoner to our Hollow Tree.'
Everyones gaze whipped around to the black tom and some even started snarling.

"Storm and Sunny, please step forward."
The young tom and she-cat did.

'You are the right age to be Apprentices. Ravenswoop, you have not yet had an Apprentice, and I know you will pass on all you know to Storm.' Shadowstar paused, then mewed, 'Blizzardfang, you also have not yet had an Apprentice. You shall mentor Sunny. I trust you shall pass all your knowledge onto this young Apprentice. Storm, you shall be known as Stormpaw. Sunny, you shall be known as Sunpaw.'

"Snow, Red, Star and Spar also want to join our Clan as Warriors." Shadowstar mewed, gesturing with her tail to the she-cats behind her. "Snow, Star, Spar, Red, do you promise to uphold to Warrior code and protect your Clan, even, if StarClan wills it, to the point of death?" She mewed and looked them all in the eye.

"We do!" They mewed in union.

"Then by the power of StarClan,you shall be known as Snowblaze, Starwind, Sparwind and Scarletflower."
The IslandClan Leader smiled as the Clan chanted their new names. then she spoke again,

''Onto less joyful tidings. Last night, this TangleClan spy was caught sneaking up behind the Nursery. We are lucky at how noisily he was stalking along, or it might have been too late.'' Shadowstar looked straight at the tom with a fierce light in her eyes.

''Scratch, for attempted theft and kidnapping of kits, for sneaking into our Camp, for trespassing on on Territory, you are sentenced to the Prisoner's Den until Newleaf when we shall happily escort you off our Territory onto uninhabited parts of the Mainland. Ravenswoop, Amberfrost, take him away.'' And as she spoke, the two Warriors escorted Scratch unceremoniously to the Hollow Tree, and then placed themselves at each end as guards.

As if nothing had happened, Shadowstar regained her cheery voice and began to speak.
''Our dawn patrol also came across this abandoned kit who wants to join. Fawnstream, will you take Dusk-kit as your own?''

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