Camp Clearing

This is the Camp Clearing. This is where everything happens!
It's the center of the camp, and all the dens are around it.


  1. i got a good pic!

    do you like it?

  2. (i waited for my instructions from my father, Rowanclaw, as he was the deputy, whether i was to patrol or ghunt) Hello Rowanclaw, what should i do today?

    um maybe you can hunt for the queens...

    OK! (i scampered off)

  3. (It's about time for new patrols!)

    Lionheart organised patrols. "Amberfrost, Smokeblossom, Cinderpaw, and Featherpaw will join me on the border patrol. We can keep a lookout for TangleClan." He nodded towards the cats.

    "Mistflower, Brokenclaw, and Ravenswoop will be on the hunting patrol, led by Cherrynose, Bring your apprentices," he called next.

    "Also since Goldenbranch is busy, Lilypetal and Mudpaw will need a warrior escort. Lakeblossom and Poppyheart, if one of you is busy, only one warrior will go. Our medicine cat's can defend themselves."

    ~Lionheart for new patrols

  4. can i go on a patrol?

  5. lionheart want to go hunting?

  6. o wait no nevermind

  7. "hey hazelnose do you want to go hunting?" called pebblefoot as she came out of the wearriors den


  8. *Rainkit bounded from the nursery, to the middle of the camp clearing. "Hey Everybody,"she mewed loudly,"I am six moons now! I am ready to be an apprentice!" She sat down and held her head high as she waited for the clans response.
