New Apprentices!

Ravenkit, Streamkit and Poppykit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Ravenpaw, Streampaw and Poppypaw. I ask StarClan to watch over you and guide you until you find in your paws the strength and courage of a warrior.

Jetstream, you will mentor Ravenpaw, Cinderpelt, you will mentor Streamkit and Dewshine will mentor Poppykit. All of you are exellent warriors, and I know you will pass on everything you know to these apprentices.

Ravenpaw! Streampaw! Poppypaw! Ravenpaw! Streampaw! Poppypaw!

Also! I want to thank Cinderpelt for taking care of the clan, so here's a reward!

Contest Results

Here's the contest results!!!!!!




BERRYBLAZE! She commented on the winning dens!!

Here's your prize: 

Add it as a picture on your blog and in the 'Link' box, paste the url of your join page!!