What's been going on in IslandClan

In the beginning of the story, Shadowstar had a dream where Islandstar, (first Leader of IslandClan) visited her. Before fading into blackness, she gave her this message;

Your path will be Tangled - Obviously metaphorical to TangleClan, and also hinting to the Tangled minds of certain IslandClan traitors such as Hollystorm and Shadowstar's own daughter Streamcloud who spy for Shadestar.

Death will visit your Clan - Already has happened, with the attempted murder of the Medicine Cats resulting in Bramblefire's brave death to protect them.

When you are without hope - Shadowstar was captured by her evil sister, I think you're pretty much distraught right about now. TangleClan has also allied with SunClan's rival, MistClan, therefore creating a larger force hoping to wipe out both IslandClan and SunClan.

Only with the power of the Lion - Nodding to Lionheart

The wit of the Amber cat - The quick minded Amberfrost

And the pure heart of an outcast - I just added this part, for Otterpad and to overwrite Cherrynose who is not in IslandClan anymore.

  will IslandClan be saved -
                                                                                 YET TO HAPPEN
From the web of the Shade -

{Hey. This is me, Shadowflower. Sorry for the crappily written post, and the dormancy of this Clan, but I've been rather busy of late. Thanks to Feather, SO MUCH for writing a post for me ♥♥. Don't worry everyone, IslandClan's not dead.}

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